Al-FallaHa: Here I is, Where you at?

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Location: Palestine

I'm starting the revolution and a write-in campaign because I can't stand anymore dumbfucks running our country or our world. I hate, though am unknowingly subjected to: gentrification, conformity, labels, and normalization. FUCK THAT. I hope your rich, predominately white, asses squeeze us so tight that people will realize the urgency of the revolution because Hollywood, materialism, and the media are doing an awesome job at distracting us from realizing this urgency. Mainstream sucks so don't mainstream my cause, rather rally the masses. Don't tell me you're progressive if you still believe in a Jewish state ... you're just racist. I hate our artificial borders imposed on us indigenous peoples by people who think they are better than us. No one is better than anyone else and you need us to survive. Keep exploiting and we'll keep loving. We'll love you so much you won't be able to stand it, we'll love our cause so much that you won't be able to kill it, we'll love each other so much that we'll overthrow you with LOVE.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The After-Love Sux

I didn't know what I was in for. Do we really know a person entirely when we love them or do we just know who they want us to know and who we want to know? When it is really over, do we see the person they really are or is it just the coward they can become on such occasions? Men are cowards, too fearful to recognize the good and give a girl respect when it's over. And for what? When it's over, it's over. But the relationship, and those participating in it, deserve the respect that was once had when things were perfect.

We think we are being respected, but are we? It is clear when it's all over how fast that respect can fly out the window. And then how do we trust again. What comes first in a person's life? Is it always love? Is it never love? Is everyone just selfish? When will he stop returning to my life? When will I stop thinking of him? When will I achieve that same comfort I had with him with another man?

MY 1st LOVE, good while it was good - bad while it was bad - abrupt ending. THE END.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sorry for the Emptiness

Hello blog junkies,

My name is Al-FallaHa and this is my personal blog that I am doing a very poor job of starting and maintaining. Throughout all life's challenges, who has time to blog anyway? I would like you to know that as life falls into place and more crazy things happen, this blog will become active. When, I do not know, but apparently patience is a virtue and curiosity killed the cat ... these things are debatable (so feel free to debate them on this blog) but my basic point is ... I just don't have it together ... but when I do, you won't be disapointed! Now you must read WMEG and stay tuned, for we never know when I will begin to fill this empty space.

With all my heart: Rest in Peace Mahmoud Darwish and all the other Freedom Fighters of the world, Free Palestine and all indigenous peoples, free our minds, and start the revolution, reject institution.